Upload the Relay Settings


Upload the Relay Settings

Uploading the relay settings became one of the hardest part of relay testing at some point in the last 10 years. This video will discuss some of the common problems and what to do about them.

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Thanks for your advice on converting settings, it is a very good point.

Hi Chris,

What if we need to upgrade the firmware to match what’s specified by the relay settings or settings documentation. In your experience, are relay manufacturers typically helpful in walking you through how to properly upgrade the firmware and giving you the file? I know Siemens provides the relay firmware files on their website, can’t say the same for SEL.

Chris Werstiuk (Administrator) July 29, 2023 at 12:19 pm

Here’s an answer from an SEL rep:

“SEL does control [firmware] distribution, partly because they track (at least attempt to track) every SN and update what [firmware] version associated with every SN.

…have the customer send their local SEL rep the [Serial Number] and the model they want the relay to become. There may be a charge, but shouldn’t take long to get the [firmware] file emailed to them. Of course, sometimes the hardware isn’t capable of using that [firmware] version, but that’s a separate issue.”

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